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Search the SBRI Healthcare and NHS Cancer Programme Innovation Open call portfolio.

If you would like further information on any of the companies listed in the Directory please contact the SBRI Healthcare PMO by email or tel: +44 20 8843 8125.

We would be happy to make introductions to the companies or provide any further feedback you require.

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Directory search results

Careflow Connect

Project TACTIC – Team Communications for Integrated Care

Careflow is proposing to develop its messaging and care coordination platform to support innovative community-based schemes that aim to reduce pressures on A&E admissions by enabling self-care for patients with Long Term Conditions (LTCs).

By using Careflow, multi-disciplinary teams working across multiple organisations can communicate securely in real-time by web and mobile about a patient, receive automatic patient events from emerging self-care application and clinical analytics tools as well as legacy hospital administration systems to make prompt care decisions. This helps care management and transfer of care between care team members.

Funding £ 416,552
Competition Competition 10 - Reducing pressure on Urgent and Emergency care
Competition Date September 2015
Health Innovation Network Partner West of England AHSN

Vivo Smart Medical Devices

Project Novel device for the identification and assessment of head injuries

ViVO Smart Medical Devices is a design-to-manufacturing company and has an exclusive worldwide license for a novel pupil diagnostic device called a Pupiloscope - an innovative hand-held medical device enabling real-time detection, assessment and monitoring of pupil reactivity of patients with head trauma. It is anticipated that Pupiloscope will have a vital role in emergency trauma care at point of impact, i.e. roadside, urgent triage of new head injury cases and ongoing management of patients admitted to acute neurosurgical wards for treatment.

Funding £ 713,954
Competition Competition 5 - Patient Safety & Patient Monitoring
Competition Date September 2013
Health Innovation Network Partner East Midlands AHSN

Lightpoint Medical

Project Real-time detection of cancer using a hand-held molecular imaging fibrescope

Lightpoint Medical’s Enlight is an intraoperative imaging device which has the potential to detect residual cancer cells during surgery, and thereby avoid the need for re-operation. Initially being investigated in breast cancer, it is hoped to have benefits for surgery on all solid tumour types.

Funding £ 869,767
Competition Competition 5 - Diagnostics and Research tools
Competition Date September 2013
Health Innovation Network Partner Imperial College Health Partners AHSN


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