A digital self-management support platform for all common MSK conditions and women’s pelvic health
Competition 7 - Musculoskeletal
About GetUBetter
Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and women’s pelvic health have a massive impact on patients’ lives, the NHS, the workplace and the economy.
getUBetter is an evidence-based, CE marked, digital self-management platform for all common MSK injuries and conditions as well as women’s pelvic health. The platform currently supports 40% of the NHS in England. It is available across 17 integrated care systems (ICSs) to a total eligible population of over 20 million people.
getUBetter helps ICSs to support self-management across their entire care pathway. It provides standardised care that is configured to their local population, clinical pathways and service needs. It helps patients to trust their recovery, effectively self-manage and utilise less healthcare resource. getUBetter enables patients to self-manage by following a recovery and prevention pathway defined by their local healthcare provider - safe self-management but navigation back to the health system when needed.
getUBetter pathways are made available to people wherever they connect with their local health system – in the community, primary or secondary care, e.g., GP practice, urgent care, pharmacy, or physiotherapy. It is suitable for 80% of all new, recurrent, or long-term conditions, and can support people on waiting lists, on 'return to work', and for pain management and orthopaedic peri-op self-management. getUBetter has already demonstrated significant cost-benefits and value to the NHS and its patients.
Project Lead
Dr Carey McClellan, CEO and Founder

- Evidence shows that when using getUBetter an ICS can expect a 13% reduction in GP follow up appointments, a 50% reduction in prescribed medication for MSK, a 20% reduction in physiotherapy referrals, and >24% (24-66) less Urgent Care attendance. 50% of patients on a MSK physiotherapy waiting list no longer need their appointment and when they get there they require 40% fewer appointments and 11% less Sick Notes, helping people back to work and to Work Well
- getUBetter was nationally recognised as a NHSx digital playbook NHSx Playbook
- In 17 ICSs to support MSK self-management across their entire care pathway. This includes 80% of London and over 200 GP practices
- Approved by NICE for use in the NHS for non-specific low back pain
- getUBetter and NHS SWL ICB were awarded the HSJ HealthTech Partnership of the Year 2023
- Demonstrated a ROI of >1:4 and significant system benefits
- Highest scoring MSK app on the ORCHA app library (91%)

“I am constantly seeking innovative solutions that enhance patient care and
promote self-management. getUBetter empowers patients to trust their recovery and take an active role in self-management. The whole pathway approach can be locally configured to suit the target population enhancing their engagement and overall experience.”
Jack Grodon, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, South East London, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
“We’ve been working in a collaborative partnership with getUBetter to co-produce digital self-management support for patients across South West London ICB. Both clinicians and patients value this service. It provides 24/7 access to support, reducing the need to travel to appointments and only navigating them to the correct service if needed.”
Jayne Thorpe, Deputy Director for Innovation and Transformation, South West London
“We have been working with the Health Innovation Network from the beginning of an idea through to scaling into 40% of the NHS. It has also provided a forum for support for adoption and to demonstrate our innovation both locally, regionally and nationally.”
Dr Carey McClellan, CEO and Founder, getUBetter
"We see the ever-expanding app as a major part of our service redesign going forward."
Jim Fenwick, CEO Battersea Healthcare
"I used this app after a knee injury. It helped me get better faster, and with more confidence. Very easy to use. Lots of helpful advice given in a really simple way so it’s easy to follow. Very helpful to see the exercises being done so it is easy to copy them and remember what the important things are!"
Date Published
December 2024